ARF Lab congratulates all the participants to the SPARC webinar series on ‘Integrated Surface-Groundwater Management for Sustainable Development’ scheduled on 6th December 2021 @ 2.00 PM. We also congratulate all the project team members [Prof. D.R. Mailapalli, AgFE, IIT Kharagpur; Prof. Rajendra Singh, AgFE, IIT Kharagpur; Prof. Somsubhra Chakraborty, AgFE, IIT Kharagpur; Prof. Piyush Kumar Singh, CRDIST, IIT Kharagpur; Prof. H. J. S. Prasad, GBPUAT, Pantnagar; Prof. Ravi Saxena, GBPUAT, Pantnagar; Prof. J. Patel, NIT, Surat; Prof. B. Maheshwari, from Western Sydney University, Australia; Prof. A. Goonetilleke, Queensland University and Technology, Australia; Prof. Anita Thompson, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA and Prof. K. Karthikeyan, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA] for conducting this lecture series during 6th -10th December 2021.
For more details kindly visit: